Exterior Maintenance & Improvements
Da Rosa Asphalt Services
Mobile: 617.686.5847
Reading Asphalt Corp.
Phone: 781.944.7072
Website: ReadingAsphaltCorp.com
Carli Fence Company
70 Union Street,
Medford, MA 02155
Phone: 781.391.8998
Email: office@carlifence.com
Website: CarliFence.com
Walpole Outdoors
255 Patriot Place
Foxborough, MA 02305
Phone: 781.613.0693
Website: WalpoleOutdoors.com
Eastern Brothers
36 Dunham Rd
Billerica, MA 01821
Phone: 978.670.2837
(Sprinkler Systems, Landscape Design, Installation and Maintenance)
Luke Fougere
Fougere Landscaping
Mobile: 781.316.7232
Email: luke@fougerelandscaping.com
Website: www.fougerelandscaping.com
Timothy Lee
Timothy Lee Landscape Design & Photography
67 Baker Avenue
Lexington, MA 02421
Phone: 781.862.8889
Website: http://www.tlla.net
Email: tim@tlla.net
Email: info@tlla.net
Landscape design
Eastern Brothers
36 Dunham Rd
Billerica, MA 01821
Phone: 978.670.2837
(Sprinkler Systems, Landscape Design, Installation and Maintenance)
Robert Barnard
Barnard Landscaping
Phone: 781.863.1854
Email: BarnardLandscape@yahoo.com
Website: www.barnardlandscape.com
Landscaping, Masonry and Stonework
Chris Stratford
Stratford Landscape Contracting
405 Waltham Street
Lexington, MA 02421
Phone: 781.879.8519
Email: info@stratford-landscape.com
Website: www.Stratford-Landscape.com
John Nicolazzo & Son
39 Emerson Road
Waltham, MA 02541
Phone: 781.899.6787
Email: info@johnnicolazzoandson.com
Website: johnnicolazzoandson.com
Landscape Maintenance
Mike Keegan
Keegan’s Landscape
Business: 781.861.7094
Mobile: 617.590.6050
Email: keeganlandscape@verizon.net
Website: keeganlandscapinginc.com
Peabody Landscape
555 Whipple Road
Tewksbury, MA 01876
Phone: 978. 851.5405
Email: peabodylandscapeinc@gmail.com
Website: www.peabodylandscape.net
Tree Removal and Landscape Maintenance
Gilrace Masonry
75 Arlington Street, Suite 500
Boston, MA 02116
Phone: 857.209.0706
Email: info@gilracemasonry.com
Website: www.gilracemasonry.com
Anthony Bonanno Mason
158 Lincoln Street
Lexington, MA 02421
Phone: 781.861.0071
Email: ABonannoMasonLandscapeContractorLLC.com
Website: www.abanonnomasonlandscapecontractorllc.com
Charles Ronchetti
Ronchetti Inc. Masonry
10 Draper Street, Unit 39
Woburn, MA 01801
Phone: 781.376.0066
Email: ronchettiinc@comcast.net
Website: ronchettiinc.wixsite.com
Luke Fougere
Fougere Landscaping
Mobile: 781.316.7232
Email: luke@fougerelandscaping.com
Website: www.fougerelandscaping.com
Robert Barnard
Barnard Landscaping
Phone: 781.863.1854
Email: BarnardLandscape@yahoo.com
Website: www.barnardlandscape.com
Landscaping, Masonry and Stonework
Graeme Clohosey
Big Dog Painting
1 Presidential Way, Unit 101, Woburn, MA 01810
Business: 978.684.2306
Email: office@bigdogpainting.com
Website: www.bigdogpainting.com
Fernando Falcao
Falcon Painting
796 Boston Post Road East, Unit B4, Marlborough, MA 01752
Business: 617.888.5300
Email: info@falconpainting.us
Website: www.falconpainting.us
Mauro’s Painting
Business: 617.628.7279
Email: maurospainting@gmail.com
Website: www.maurospainting.com
Middlesex Paint & Restoration
Business: 617.599.9430
Website: www.middlesexpaint.com
Email: clientservices@middlesexpaint.com
Pablo Rivas
Mr. Paint
Mobile: 617.271.8650
Email: rivaspablo61@gmail.com
Website: www.mrpaintbrookline.com
Paul Dauteuil
Pro Service Painters
Personal: 781.313.3487
Business: 508.574.4219
Office: 978.957.1672
Website: Proservicepainters.com
Brenda Blatchford Cirioni
Skylight Fine Arts
Gleasondale Industrial Park
501 Gleasondale Road
Stow, MA 01775
Mobile: (978) 460-0234
Website: www.brendacirioniart.com
Email: bcirioni@verizon.net
(specializing in faux finishing)
Bill Safranski
Atlantic Roofing Company
18 Stratton Road, Hudson, MA 01749
Phone: 508.263.0577
Website: www.atlanticroofingmass.com
Asphalt, metal, and rubber roofs
American Gutter Cleaning and Installation
1608 Main Street
Tewksbury, MA 01876
Phone: 978.851.6045
Website: www.americangutter.net
Email: mail@americangutter.net
Classic Metal Roofs
264 Gleasondale Road
Stow, MA 01775
Phone: 978.293.5709
Website: www.classicmetalroofs.com
Mass Roofing and Gutters
470 Main Street
Medford, MA 02155
Phone: 781.222.3835
Website: www.massroofingandgutters.com
Mike Leary
Mike Leary Contracting
251 Worthen Road East
Lexington, MA 02421
Phone: 781.862.1108
Email: mleary@mikelearycontracting.com
Website: www.mikelearycontracting.com
Roofing, Snow Removal
Ned Stevens Gutter Cleaning
150 Cross Street
Winchester, MA 01890
Phone: 781.490.9410
Website: www.nedstevens.com
Joseph Raboin
Old Timers Slate Roofing Co., Inc
PO Box 473, Somerville, MA 02143
Phone: 617.625.2191
Email: sraboin@aol.com
Website: www.oldtimersslateroofingco.com
Recon Roofing and Gutter Services
4 Cypress Street, Watertown, MA 02472
Phone: 617.924.1133
Email: fmahoney@reconroofers.com
Website: www.reconroofinggutters.com
Bob Green
Robert L. Green, Inc. Roofing and Contracting
Billerica, MA
Phone: 978.439.9200
Website: www.robertgreenroofing.com
Email: bobrlginc@verizon.net
Douglas Raboin
The Twelfth Century Slate Roofing Co.
Burlington, MA
Phone: 617.666.3888
Website: www.thetwelfthcenturyslateroofinginc.com/
Eco- Friendly Roof Cleaning​
Smithfield, RI
Phone: 401.347.4437
Website: ecofriendlyrc.com
James Girouard
Girouard Landscape Co.
Phone: (781) 552-2238
Website: landscaping@girouard.us
Eastern Brothers
36 Dunham Rd
Billerica, MA 01821
Phone: 978.670.2837
(Sprinkler Systems, Landscape Design, Installation and Maintenance)
Luke Fougere
Fougere Landscaping
Mobile: 781.316.7232
Email: luke@fougerelandscaping.com
Website: www.fougerelandscaping.com
Garen Gregorian
Gregorian Engineers
1 Canonchet Street
Canton, MA 02021
Phone: 617.484.3565
Email: garen@gregorianengineers.com
Website: www.gregorianengineers.com
Paul Phelan
Phelan Engineering
76 Carlisle Road
Westford, MA 01886
Phone: 978.256.4014
Email: paul@phelanengineering.com
Website: www.phelanengineering.com
Steve Siegel
Siegel Structural Engineers
860 Walnut Street
Newton, MA 02459
Phone: 617.244.1612
Email: info@siegelstructural.com
Website: www.siegelstructural.com
Dennis O’Brien
Dennis O’Brien Land Surveying
480 West Central Street
Franklin, MA 02038
Phone: 508.541.0048
Email: services@dennisobrienlandsurveying.com
Website: www.dennisobrienlandsurveying.com
Jim Keenan
Keenan Survey
8 Winchester Place, Suite 208
Winchester, MA 01890
Phone: 781.729.4213
Noonan & McDowell
34 Chelmsford Street, Floor 2
Chelmsford, MA 01824
Phone: 978.667.9736
Website: www.noonanmcdowell.com
John Marquis
Marquis Tree Service
9 Sterling Road
North Billerica, MA 01862
Phone: (781) 860-9618
Email: marquistree@gmail.com
Website: www.marquistree.com
Northeast Tree
62 Holton Street
Woburn, MA 01801
Phone: 781.935.1988
Phone: 781.944.9885
Website: www.northeasttreeinc.com
Rich Fedele
Richard Fedele Tree Service
Bedford, MA
Phone: 781.275.0657
Cell: 781.953.3696
David Moritz
Baystate Window Cleaning
19 Hillcrest
Waltham, MA 02451
Phone: 781.891.8311
Email: davidmoritz@hotmail.com
William Allen
Abbott Window Cleaning
155 Pine Hill Circle
Waltham, MA 02451
Phone: 781.899.6090
Good Window Works
6 Liberty Square #2284
Boston, MA 02109
Phone: 857.226.0007
Phone: 857.770.8555
Email: info@goodwindowworks.com
Website: www.GoodWindowWorks.com